Articles by CD Smythe

Living at the Speed of Love

I’m praying that God would “do a revival”. Not in the traditional sense that Christians talk about revival – where we see loads of people in our cities who ignore God suddenly turning to Him for some reason, but a revival where we see people in His Church turning to Him, becoming more like Jesus and travelling through life at the speed of love.

Stepping out of the boat

When I read in the Bible (Matthew 14.22) about Jesus walking on the water out to his disciples, who are in a boat, after he told them he would catch up to them, I ask Why? Why did Jesus walk out there. On the water. Over a kilometre. Why not just appear in the boat? I guess it was because of what happened next.

Brighter Culture

Whispering about Jesus?

Do you whisper about Jesus? Do you lower your volume when talking about church and faith when out in public?

Brighter Culture

People are Important

This morning I went for an early morning bike ride along a path in our neighbourhood.  On the path, there were many people out exercising, walking, walking dogs and a couple of others on bikes.  It was pretty busy. A simple smile and hello can make someones day. We were made to connect with other people and to be in community.  I understand the “survival of the fittest” thinking and it does make sense that the strong survive, but how would the human race ever continue if we evolved that way as we are told and so easily believe when we…

Brighter Culture Thorns

Hope, Rest, Love, in Jesus Christ

Jesus doesnt complicate things. His message is simple. His call genuine and offered in love. We don’t need to earn rest. We dont trade burden for burden. Jesus calls us to himself and with him we find true rest, peace and love.

Brighter Culture - Faith Hope Love Grace

Made right with God?

Being made right with God is a process. First you need to understand that you’re not right with God…..

The Bible tells us in the book of Romans – verse 22 – “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.”

Why would we place our faith in Jesus Christ? When would we do this?