People are Important

Brighter Culture

This morning I went for an early morning bike ride along a path in our neighbourhood.  On the path, there were many people out exercising, walking, walking dogs and a couple of others on bikes.  It was pretty busy.

A simple smile and hello can make someones day.

We were made to connect with other people and to be in community.  I understand the “survival of the fittest” thinking and it does make sense that the strong survive, but how would the human race ever continue if we evolved that way as we are told and so easily believe when we are teenagers?

People need each other.  Everyone needs friends and to feel like they belong somewhere, or to something.

There are very few things which last forever.  I often wish the muscles in my legs or my eyes were as they were when I was twenty, or thirty (or forty…).  I’d like to never have to have cars repaired.  Imagine that favourite pair of sneakers being as comfortable now and forever.

What does last forever is the human soul.  God has made us an eternal being, a spiritual being with a short time in our existence of being here on this planet now.  How do we respond to that?  When we acknowledge a designer, creator and sustainer of all we know and don’t know how do we live our life? What do we get busy doing?

John Ortberg says “if you want to do the work of God, pay attention to people. Notice them.  Especially the people nobody else notices.”  People are eternal, they are important to God and should be important to us.

How do you show those around you that they are important?  How do you show those you dont know they are important?

A simple smile and hello can make someones day.


About the Author

CD Smythe
A guy in Cairns doing stuff #MissionalTech #BibleBox #BibleCard #Mobmin #pocketbible #edtech #learning