Hope, Rest, Love, in Jesus Christ

Brighter Culture Thorns

With Jesus is peace and rest. Life begins to make sense.

In the Bible, Matthew 11.28 – 30 records Jesus speaking to a crowd and telling them –

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Jesus doesnt complicate things. His message is simple.  His call genuine and offered in love.  We don’t need to earn rest. We dont trade burden for burden. Jesus calls us to himself and with him we find true rest, peace and love.

It’s a path few take in this world where we can so easily strive to become self-righteous, self-sustaining, self-achieving.   But a life walking with Jesus Christ will turn your world upside down.  The Bible reveals who God is – His nature and His character – what He loves, likes and hates.  His plan for the universe is all revealed.  Who we are and our purpose is made clear. Life has meaning.

Where are you on this journey of life?  Are you a Christian? Have you heard about Jesus but dont really know Him or about Him? Do you have a faith in something else or yourself?

It doesnt matter where you are or who you are.  Know that Jesus is offering rest for the weary, help for those who think they’re helpless, hope for those who have none, love for those who think they are unlovable.

Come to Him.  Seek Him and you will find Him.


About the Author

CD Smythe
A guy in Cairns doing stuff #MissionalTech #BibleBox #BibleCard #Mobmin #pocketbible #edtech #learning

1 Comment on "Hope, Rest, Love, in Jesus Christ"

  1. Good writing CD. What a world it would be if we lived every day believe that God, through Christ, had our best interest at heart all the time and just wanted us to truly rest in him. We wouldn’t have to prove that we are right in every conversation. People could speak badly about us… Lie about us, and we wouldn’t take offense. People close to us, perhaps our children, weren’t doing as we wanted them to, but we rested because God is in control. We were overcharged at the shops, but it was ok because God will give us enough money. The fridge repair people were very slack in arranging to fix our fridge, but we didn’t get upset and tell them how terrible their service was, because maybe they are doing things tough at the moment, and God wants us to show them love… We remembered how much we’ve been forgiven, and so we forgive much

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